Kolofonium is out!
To all the naggers: "Here you are!"
Kolofonium is described in detail at Stefan's website.
For all the road runners:
Change the nameserver (DNS) of your La Fonera to
and reboot. Now you should be able to connect via SSH. This should work with other firmwares, too. Please change the nameserver according to your ISP or network setup after the reboot.
That's it! Have fun!
Here is a cute counter. For each "freed" La Fonera there is one icon:
Genius , Keep up the good work.
Nice work :)
but doing all that stuff will stop the public signal?? The fonera will work only as a normal router??
No, it will just do what it says: It will enable SSH access to your router. What you do from that point on is completely up to you.
Perfect for simple windows users like me. I can acces la fonera when I change the DNS but when I change it back to my IP DNS en I restart la fonera, the SSH connection to is refused. How can I establish a permanent SSH acces?
I really can't figure out how to get ssh connection. I tried with PUTTY, but he asks for a login and a password, and admin - admin isn't working. Help would be appreciated!
Thanks for your work!
PS: sorry for double post, I didn't know I was posting in the wrong blog entry
Stefan Tomanek said...
No, it will just do what it says: It will enable SSH access to your router. What you do from that point on is completely up to you.
Humm, ok.So if i enable SSH it will be possible to stop the public signal?? If anybody knows how send me a email or give-me a webpage to follow instructions. What can SSH do ?? I can put the SSH active but don't really understand what the purpose if i have to share internet.Can anybody explain?? Thanks
User: root
Password: [the password of the webinterface] (default: admin)
What can SSH do ?? I can put the SSH active but don't really understand what the purpose if i have to share internet.
If you don't know that, you obviously have no use for SSH. If you want a router without FON software, buy yourself one.
VERY nice work. I randomly happened to find this today -- having no idea it was just released today -- and it works flawlessly. Thanks!
Cheers guys, very nice work. I hope you can keep the server running for quite some time.
Can anybody make a small tutorial? I've changed the DNS and Putty still cant connect "connection refused".
Thanks! I also tried this method but only get Connetction Refused. Hope someone make a small tutorial...
first of all, congratulations to Stefan and Michael
To use Kolofonium you just have to change your DNS Server Settings in your "La Fonera" Web Interface according to
and after that reboot your Fonera. That's it. If you're using UNIX or something like that (Linux, Mac OS X, ...) just open a terminal and type ssh root@PRIVATE_IP_OF_YOUR_FONERA (usually, hit Enter and use the same Password you use for the web interface. On Windows, PuTTY should do the same job, although it's based on a GUI. :-)
Remember to re-set your Fonera DNS Settings to the old values.
Thank you for your help. Tried that but now when I try to connect with SSH get "Connection Timeout" :(
mail: fmatic@REMOVE_THISgmail.com
You can access SSH after the DNS change on on ethernet port too (its the bridge, not the "real WAN")...dont have to use the wireless
@ anonymous
This is the biggest problem with the router. I can't access it on the lan. I have the Fonera plugged into the router, I'm also pluggin into the router. It has an ip on the network (from dchp DDWRT)of but I can't access the web interface. Please help I have no wireless connection.
after you changed the dns server and rebooted the fonera, connect your pc's lan card with the fonera and open a ssh connection to
I'm not sure what goes wrong but if I understand this all correct I have to change DNS address to: in "La Fonera" Web Interface? I use DHCP and changed it to Static IP and changed DNS Server. Also put my IP, Network Mask and Gateway and then reboot my LaFonera and try to connect through SSH to and get connection timeout.
Thanks a lot!
I was waiting for this for months, because I update myself my fonera's firmware to r2, but.... I'm already with dd-wrt flashed on my fonera :D
no one told you to use Kolofonium. If you can't do it, you can't do it. And if you don't know how to do it, you probably don't need SSH.
@fmatic ... do you have googletalk / Jabber? Just added you.
Terrific. You guys really had to dig to find this. Worked like a charm on my 0.7.1 r2.
(Mine was the 221th freed La Fonera)
Just one remark; I didn't have to reboot my La Fonera. The moment I changed the DNS in the web interface and clickes Submit, the Fonera seemed to reset itself and SSH was enabled thereafter. For some reason public access was unavailable; had to reboot to get that functionality back...
Hello! Can you help me? My fonera is bricking when i change the DNS and reboot. At reboot, the only led power on is "power".... EXcuse me for by bad english, i'm italian boy.
Hey, this is a very informative website. Good work.
I just have a few questions;
On my La Fonera, I have accessed the page and changed the settings as follows:
IP Address -
Network Mask -
Gateway -
DNS Server -
I changed this by directly hooking the La Fonera to my computer. Currently it is connected to my Linksys router. I cannot access the La Fonera at unless I also change my IP address to this (but I think that's normal?).
I tried to connect to using PuTTY connected directly to the La Fonera, through wireless, and connected to my Linksys, but either the connection is refused, there is no route to connect, or it simply times out.
I would appreciate any help, as I feel SSH should be allowed for emergencies (such as Fon's website ever being hacked, for example).
First of all your fonera must be connected to Internet.
Than you must access her and copy your setting (with DHCP enable).
Than you must change the DHCP mode to Static IP, where you paste all of your settings copied except the DNS, put
Restart and access through SSH :D
I've tried doing this, but all I get when I try to connect to using PuTTY is "connection refused"
i have reboot, and then the only led on is "power" my fonera is bricked.... any solution?
Did you made just what I've said?
@ Jag
Try to connect your Fonera directly to your router/modem without passing trough the hub/switch.
@ rui ponte
Can you help me? I just change the dns, reboot, and my fonera is dead!!! Please help me, excuse me for my bad english. I have just flashed another fonera with past hack, now with kolofonium my new fonera is dead!!
This is really weird, try to reset it.
you two are simply amazing. Thanks for sharing this awesome information! Very interesting and cool!
Used Kolofonium on a 0.7.1 r1 fonera and it did NOT work ! So used 'old fashioned' method... Why it's not working on pre 0.7.1 r2 fonera's I don't know. The 'freed fonera' counter was was joyously updated with 'one more fonera freed', which was NOT true, so the counter might well be displaying FALSE statistics ! Beware...
You probably did not wait long enough (dropbear has to generate its keys first) or something weird happened. If the counter increases, the fonera has downloaded the manipulated configuration data and will start the ssh server once chillispot is ready.
@stefan tomanek
Well I noticed that the fon hotspot was not active, because I inserted the spoofed dns address right from the start even before the fonera has an internet connection as I wanted to prevent an automatic update to 0.7.1 r2.. I than connected the internet cable and rebooted fonera, so it then connected tio the manipulated radius setup and updated the 'freed fonera' counter, but failed to activate ssh. I guess for kolofonium to work right I should heave first let the fonera update to 0.7.1r2 and start the chillispot, which I didn't want to do. Maybe this is also the problem that few people bricked the foneras using kolofonium, so I think it's not 100% failsafe.
I doubt anyone bricked their Fonera with kolofonium. All kolofonium does is modifying the chillispot configuration, I don't see how this could leed to a bricked device.
@stefan tomanek
Well obviously if chillispot is not running i.e the fon public signal is down kolofonium isn't working. For bricked router evidence just read some posts above...
Finally I get this work and SSH enabled...my LaFonera and Cable Modem was connected to switch and that was the problem. After I connect LaFonera directly to my Cable Modem it's finally works...but how can I establish a permanent SSH acces?
After I change back to DHCP I cannot connect through SSH anymore.
Well, La Fonera Firmware 0.7.1r3 is out. But since they don't change anything with the chillispot i guess the hack is still wirking. Can anyone confirm this?
daniel: AFAIK there is no 0.7.1r3 yet.
There is also no note at:
hey all you La Fonera users. This is DLTV & i've been reading a lot of post concerning the Kolofonium hack and how to use it. To better assist you i have created a short tutorial available here
http://dltv.wordpress.com/ then look for the reviews section
While this probably doesn't cover everyones setup i think it's better then nothing. I will also be testing other configurations that other people have IE without a router and update the tutorial.
Ok im trying to follow all this but
the default user/pass
through the web login doenst work
Im trying to change the dns server.
version i have is 0.7.1 r3
i can get to
When I click on somehting it asks
for user/pass.
I put in "root" as user
"admin" as pass
it doesnt let me in?
How the heck do you get in now?
Just wanna say that I did this with teh latest FON firmware 0.7.1 r3.
Manualy set the internet connections to MYIP, MYSUB, MYGATEWAY and DNS:
Click on submit and voila after some seconds I can SSH to So no reboot needed.
Have fun.
Well, I tried everything too now but I also get Connection Failed on Putty. This is firmware 0.7.1 r3
Is there no way to verify that this is a genuine error or a user mistake (by me and others)?
It might have to do with that Fonera phones home before, not using the dns or maybe it's the wired router to which the Fonera connects?
Spend 5 hours on it so far but alas, no SSH :(
To all the guys having trouble to get Kolofonium to work.
So have to change the used nameserver of your La Fonera. Please check if you can use other nameservers from your LAN. Some admins (maybe routers, I don't know) are blocking DNS queries to foreign nameservers.
My setup is as follows:
La Fonera -> D-Link -> Internet
I put the right DNS server ip in La Fonera: The Fonera is connected as a different subset to the D-Link (this is normal unfortunately, and the reason I want to open up the Fonera, it should be bridged mode).
The D-Link has totally different DNS name servers of course.
Mine are my regulare ISP's one and opendns.org
Do you think, I should temporarily put into the D-link as well and wipe the rest of the nameservers?? I will double check if DNS protocol pass through is enabled in the D-Link
Ok, I got it to work.
You have set all your routers to and have a good bit of patience to make it work (about 4 minutes)
Thanks for the hack
Awesome....Good work!
Great. It worked for me on 0.7.1 r3.
I would like to connect my nintendo wii to the internet using the fonera. Is is possible? Is this a possible solution? Please help me out!
Is that fake dns server down now?
Thanks for the nice post!
Yups seems like the DNS server is down now. Tried to ping it; but no response.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
mmm in the fonera v 2200 it dosn´t work...
may be it has a fix ip.
Still down. Oh whatever, I got serial port.
Mmm, the server is down :(
My fonera doesn't have a telnet port open for redboot, how can I open the ssh Port? (or the telnet one)?
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