Monday, January 08, 2007

We did it again!

After a few days of searching and trying, we found yet another way to open the SSH port of a La Fonera. It works with all firware versions (also the new 0.7.1-2). Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

can't wait :D just got the "la fonera" and its going to be fun starting developing for it :-)

Trellmor said...

Now should be the time for FON to open the SSH port by default. I mean, sooner or later there is a hack for every firmware, and if they are able to fix every hole in the firmware, you can still access the bootloader.

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered how to enable the fonera to open the ssh daemon with the 0.7.1-r2 firmware.
It's really simple.
You've gotta disconnect from the internet (or just power off the adsl modem/router), and reset the fonera.
To reset the fonera, hold down the reset button, on the bottom of the fonera for 30 seconds.
Then, unplug the power cable from the fonera and connect it again.
Then, hold on until both of the fonera's lights turn on (wifi and internet).
Then connect to the fonera with a browser.
To connect through wired connection, set the computer ip to, netmask and open internet explorer to
Then use the 0.7.1-r1 firmware's instructions.
To connect through wifi connection, simply connect to and follow the 0.7.1-r1 firmware's instructions.

- If you're using a wired connection and you want to see the configuration page of the fonera without changing your ip, you can edit /etc/firewall.user and make copy/paste of the two ssh lines; then change the port from 22 to 80!
- I recommend you to upgrade to the 0.7.1-r1 firmware: there're much improvements like the ntpclient (to update the date/time) and the new port-forwarding tool (via browser). If you wanna do it, you dan download this firmware []here (at the bottom of the page)[[]]
- Are you tired seeing the date on the fonera looking like "1st january 2000" and wanna update it?
You can do it with the 0.7.1-r1 firmware, renaming the file /etc/init.d/ntpclient into /etc/init.d/S50ntpclient and every time the fonera boots the clock will be updated (there's also a cron job anyway)
- I really recommend you to change the default password... with the sshd open and the default user/pass anyone can do a "rm -rf /"and brick your fonera!!


Michael Kebe said...

Your instructions are fine, we know about resetting the La Fonera device. Sooner or later FON will ship La Foneras with a flashed >= 0.7.1-2 version.

Anonymous said...

xAGiBel tell us something new... that was all known and obvius.

Anonymous said...

we're waiting for tutorial!

Anonymous said...

Yes !
We are !
Go go go go !!!

Anonymous said...

please post new hack... mine was shipped 7.1.r2

Anonymous said...

Just received a pre-flashed 7.1.2 r2 today.

Anonymous said...

I received a 0.7.1 r2 flashed fonera as well.

intrax said...

If you have 0.7.1r2 preflashed...POST A PICTURE op the sticker on the flash chip inside the fonera !

Inventory Management Software said...

Thanks for sharing your post and it was superb .I would like to hear more from you in future too.